Lead Logistics

Tel: 084 200 2278 | Email: info@leadlogistics.co.za


Having a beautifully designed website, means absolutely nothing, if it doesn’t perform.  Your website is your best salesperson and should be treated with utter respect.

Our web designers have been in this game for decades and are trusted and respected by many.  They put their heart and soul into ensuring that all boxes are ticked and sites going live are fully optimised for Google and best performance.

While developing, we optimise landing pages and ensure vital website pages are designed with clear value propositions and call to actions that simplify the journey of the user, to maximise your lead generation conversion rate.

From the planning phase of your site map, to content generation, style, tone and colours chosen, we leave no stone unturned and work closely with you to ensure a quality product, that delivers tangible results.


We follow a 7-step process:

  1. Goal identification: Here we determine what goals the new website needs to fulfil and what its purpose is.  Competitor research also happens here.
  2. Scope definition: Here we look at what web pages and features the site requires and the timeline for building those out.
  3. Sitemap and wireframe creation: Here we define how the content and features defined in scope definition will interrelate.
  4. Content creation: Here we develop content using existing content, research, interviews and develop new content for your site, keeping search engine optimization (SEO) in mind.
  5. Visual elements: Here we suggest mood boards, colour charts and mock ups of designs which will suite your brand.
  6. Testing: Here we test your site to ensure it works well on all devices and do user testing to find out what others think of the flow and usability of the site.
  7. Launch: Once your site is working beautifully, we discuss launch timing and communication strategies on how we will let your clients and internal staff know about your new digital presence